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Nam pellentesque blandit enim venenatis feugiat. Morbi tempor eros vitae augue vestibulum hendrerit. Praesent bibendum lacus eget nibh mollis ac cursus eros congue. Praesent augue tortor, sodales vel molestie sit amet, tincidunt ac nulla. This is Another Sample Title Another Sample Paragraph : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is a Sample Title Sample Paragraph : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Template Hits. Labels C. Designs that are resilient to change and flexible enough to take on new functionality to meet changing requirements.
That sounds very contradictory. How can a design be both? It certainly sounds contradictory at first. After all, the less modifiable something is, the harder it is to extend, right? Think about the Observer Pattern in Chapter by adding new Observers, we can extend the Subject at any time, without adding code to the Subject. Q: Okay, I understand Observable, but how do I generally design something to be extensible, yet closed for modification? Making OO design flexible and open to extension without the modification of existing code takes time and effort. Following the Open-Closed Principle usually introduces new levels of abstraction, which adds complexity to our code.
You want to concentrate on those areas that are most likely to change in your designs and apply the principles there. Q: How do I know which areas of change are more important? A: That is partly a matter of experience in designing OO systems and also a matter of the knowing the domain you are working in. Looking at other examples will help you learn to identify areas of change in your own designs. A: While it may seem like a contradiction, there are techniques for allowing code to be extended without direct modification. Many of the patterns give us time tested designs that protect your code from being modified by supplying a means of extension. How can I make every part of my design follow the Open-Closed Principle?
Remember us? Starbuzz Coffee? Do you think you could use some of those design principles to actually help us? cost DarkRoast 2 t DarkRoaasnd has t a h t r e b Remem from Beverage mputes inherits method that co a cost of the drink. the cost The customer wants Mocha, so we create a Mocha object and wrap it around the DarkRoast. Its ject is a decorisatdecorating, The Mocha obth object it type mirrors Beeverage. we mean it is cost cost DarkRoast Mocha 3 oo, st method tn treat co a s a h a ch o e ca So, M olymorphism w and through p wrapped in Mocha as any Beveragetoo because Mocha is a a Beverage, Beverage. subtype of The customer also wants Whip, so we create a Whip decorator and wrap Mocha with it. So, a DarkRoast wrapped in Mocha and Whip is still a Beverage and we can do anything with it we can do with a DarkRoast, including call its cost method. We do this by calling cost on the outermost decorator, Whip, and Whip is going to delegate computing the cost to the objects it decorates.
Once it gets a cost, it will add on the cost of the Whip. ge a few pa Mocha. cost t. ß Decorators have the same supertype as the objects they decorate. ß You can use one or more decorators to wrap an object. ß Given that the decorator has the same supertype as the object it decorates, we can pass around a decorated object in place of the original wrapped object. ß Objects can be decorated at any time, so we can decorate objects dynamically at runtime with as many decorators as we like. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality. Each component can be used on its own, or wrapped by a decorator. It extends Component. ent the Decorators implem abstract same interfacemorponent they class as the co corate. th en on mp state of the co Decorators can add new methods; however, new behavior is typically added by doing computation before or after an existing method in the component.
r Beverage acts asneou class. coffe Milk Whip Soy Mocha Beverage beverage Beverage beverage Beverage beverage Beverage beverage cost cost cost cost getDescription getDescription getDescription getDescription And here are our condiment decorators; notice they need to implement not only cost but also getDescription. Sue: What do you mean? Mary: Look at the class diagram. The CondimentDecorator is extending the Beverage class. Sue: True. But where does the behavior come in? Sue: When we compose a decorator with a component, we are adding new behavior. We are acquiring new behavior not by inheriting it from a superclass, but by composing objects together. The behavior comes in through the composition of decorators with the base components as well as other decorators.
Mary: Ooooh, I see. And because we are using object composition, we get a whole lot more flexibility about how to mix and match condiments and beverages. Very smooth. Sue: Yes, if we rely on inheritance, then our behavior can only be determined statically at compile time. In other words, we get only whatever behavior the superclass gives us or that we override. With composition, we can mix and match decorators any way we like at runtime. Mary: And as I understand it, we can implement new decorators at any time to add new behavior. Sue: Exactly. Mary: I just have one more question. Sue: Well, remember, when we got this code, Starbuzz already had an abstract Beverage class. Traditionally the Decorator Pattern does specify an abstract component, but in Java, obviously, we could use an interface. you are here 4 93 decorator training New barista training Okay, I need for you to make me a double mocha, soy latte with whip. Use the menu to get the correct prices, and draw your picture using the same format we used earlier from a few pages back : Mocha.
Sharpen your pencil Draw your picture here. Starbuzz Coffee Coffees House Blend. getDescriptio getDescription is already implemented for us, but we need to implement cost in the subclasses. Beverage is simple enough. Remember, we need to set a description for the specific beverage and also implement the cost method. You can create the other two Beverage classses DarkRoast and Decaf in exactly the same way. Remember the description ge. We djuonst E an of st co e to compute th this class, we Finally, we needabout adding in condiments in. class, since t Coffee Starbuzz s Coffee Blend House oast R Dark Decaf so Espres. Be Beverage using: extends a reference to a e variable to hold th 1 An instancewrapping. public class Mocha extends CondimentDecorator { beverage we are Beverage beverage; t this instance 2 A way to seject we are wrapping. public Mocha Beverage beverage { variable to theinob pass the beverage this. public String getDescription { return beverage.
cost ; } } beverage ute the cost of oullr to mp co to ed e ne we w No delegate the ca mpth we t, rs Fi. ha e the oc ut M th co wi ng, so that it can to the result. Sharpen your pencil Write and compile the code for the other Soy and Whip condiments. you are here 4 97 testing the beverages Serving some coffees Congratulations. println beverage. cost ; s condimentt. o n , o s s e nd cos an espr Order upt its description a and prin oast object. println beverage2. println beverage3. cost ; Finally, give us a HouseBlend with Soy, Mocha, and Whip. A: That is exactly right. As long as you only write code against the abstract component type, the use of decorators will remain transparent to your code.
Like if I had a DarkRoast with Mocha, Soy, and Whip, it would be easy to write code that somehow ended up with a reference to Soy instead of Whip, which means it would not including Whip in the order. A: You could certainly argue that you have to manage more objects with the Decorator Pattern and so there is an increased chance that coding errors will introduce the kinds of problems you suggest. However, decorators are typically created by using other patterns like Factory and Builder. Q: Can decorators know about the other decorations in the chain? That would require that my outermost decorator know all the decorators it is wrapping.
A: Decorators are meant to add behavior to the object they wrap. When you need to peek at multiple layers into the decorator chain, you are starting to push the decorator beyond its true intent. Nevertheless, such things are possible. Sharpen your pencil Our friends at Starbuzz have introduced sizes to their menu. You can now order a coffee in tall, grande, and venti sizes translation: small, medium, and large. How would you alter the decorator classes to handle this change in requirements? io package is io package is largely based on Decorator. ered e InputStr a ff m ne Nu mberInputStrea LineNumberInputStream is also a concrete decorator. It adds the ability to count the line numbers as it reads data. m Li Bu FileInputStream BufferedInputStream is a concrete decorator.
BufferedInputStream adds behavior in two ways: it buffers input to improve performance, and also augments the interface with a new method readLine for reading character-based input, a line at a time. BufferedInputStream and LineNumberInputStream both extend FilterInputStream, which acts as the abstract decorator class. eam, String FileInputStr putStream and a fewent from ByteArrayIn give us a base compon All of thesead bytes. which to re the decorator pattern Decorating the java. io classes ent. InputStream FileInputStream StringBufferInputStream PushbackInputStream These InputStreams act as the concrete components that we will wrap with decorators. FilterInputStream ByteArrayInputStream BufferedInputStream DataInputStream LineNumberInputStream crete decorators. You should now be in a good position to look over the java.
io API docs and compose decorators on the various input streams. You should be ready to write your own input decorator. How about this: write a decorator that converts all uppercase characters to lowercase in the input stream. no No problem. I just have to extend the FilterInputStream class and override the read methods. First, extend the FilterInputStream, the abstract decorator for all InputStreams. c : Character. Get the complete source code from the wickedlysmart web site. print char c ; } in. close ; } catch IOException e { e. printStackTrace ; } } } Just use the stream to read characters until the end of file and print as we go. Give it a spin: a brand new and then ouInr putStream filter. LowerCase I know the Decorator Pattern therefore I RULE! txt file You need tfoile. HeadFirst: Can you perhaps share some of your troubles with us? Decorator: Sure. HeadFirst: Can you give us an example? These are notoriously difficult for people to understand at first.
But if they just saw the classes as a set of wrappers around an InputStream, life would be much easier. But like I said, some code is dependent on specific types and when you start introducing decorators, boom! Bad things happen. Decorator: I know, I try not to be. I also have the problem that introducing decorators can increase the complexity of the code needed to instantiate the component. ß Inheritance is one form of extension, but not necessarily the best way to achieve flexibility in our designs. ß In our designs we should allow behavior to be extended without the need to modify existing code.
OO Basincs Abstractio tion s OO Principle Encapsulaphism Polymor hat varies. ritance eritaIn h in r e v o n ositio Favor comp not interfaces, Program to s. ion implementat gns coupled desi ly se o lo r o Strive f eract. modificatio ß Composition and delegation can often be used to add new behaviors at runtime. ß The Decorator Pattern provides an alternative to subclassing for extending behavior. ß The Decorator Pattern involves a set of decorator classes that are used to wrap concrete components. ß We now have the Open-Closed g Principle to guide us. isolated from our new extensions OO Patterr-ndsefineysofa aolgneor-itthom-s,tmhaanty bys-erdvefeinyesbaetfwameilenkeosbjethcetms soddaitllioitnsal O g e t a r St depenedaecnhcone, andrm-aanAgtets ascthaotareit, hm o ch lg pddaytneadmically.
e oSortbrajeattcetgy slettsoietahdne aaonbdjecutit able ilritme ienclioetnifts thaat fulesexib. le a interchdanegpeernedseptnolytnsib r tending nden f o s provide vary indaeupteoDmeactoicralltyor o subclassing for ex t alternative y. t functionali designs n for creatingOr was it er t t pa st ir f r. Is there another patt really the fir lows this principle as well? used that fol Decorator classes mirror the type of the components they decorate. In fact, they are the same type as the components they decorate, either through inheritance or interface implementation. ß You can wrap a component with any number of decorators. ß Decorators can result in many small objects in our design, and overuse can be complex. First, we call cost on 4 Next, 1 outmost decorator, Whip.
Home Add Document Sign In Register. Head First - Design Patterns 2nd Edition Home Head First - Design Patterns 2nd Edition. x Intro Your brain on Design Patterns. Here you are trying to learn something, while here your brain is doing you a favor by making sure the learning Download PDF. table of contents Table of Contents summary Intro 1 xxv Welcome to Design Patterns: an introduction 1 2 Keeping your Objects in the know: the Observer Pattern 37 3 Decorating Objects: the Decorator Pattern 79 4 Baking with OO goodness: the Factory Pattern 5 One of a Kind Objects: the Singleton Pattern 6 Encapsulating Invocation: the Command Pattern 7 Being Adaptive: the Adapter and Facade Patterns 8 Encapsulating Algorithms: theTemplate Method Pattern 9 Well-managed Collections: the Iterator and Composite Patterns 10 The State of Things: the State Pattern 11 Controlling Object Access: the Proxy Pattern 12 Patterns of Patterns: Compound Patterns 13 Patterns in the Real World: Better Living with Patterns 14 Appendix: Leftover Patterns Table of Contents the real thing Intro Your brain on Design Patterns.
x Who is this book for? xxvi We know what your brain is thinking xxvii Metacognition xxix Bend your brain into submission xxxi Technical reviewers xxxiv Acknowledgements xxxv 1 intro to Design Patterns Welcome to Design Patterns Someone has already solved your problems. The best way to use patterns is to load your brain with them and then recognize places in your designs and existing applications where you can apply them. Instead of code reuse, with patterns you get experience reuse. Remember, knowing concepts like abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism do not make you a good object oriented designer.
A design guru thinks about how to create flexible designs that are maintainable and that can cope with change. The SimUDuck app 2 Joe thinks about inheritance setQuack methods. Objects can even decide at runtime whether they want to be kept informed. I used to think real men subclassed everything. That was until I learned the power of extension at runtime, rather than at compile time. Now look at me! There is more to making objects than just using the new operator. Find out how Factory Patterns can help save you from embarrasing dependencies.
The clients of the Abstract Factory are the two instances of our PizzaStore, NYPizzaStore and ChicagoStylePizzaSore. NYPizzaStore createPizza The abstract PizzaIngredientFactory is the interface that defines how to make a family of related products - everything we need to make a pizza. Each factory knows how to create the right objects for their region. xiv FrozenClams Each factory produces a different implementation for the family of products. FreshClams 5 the Singleton Pattern One of a Kind Objects The Singleton Pattern: your ticket to creating one-of-akind objects, for which there is only one instance. You might be happy to know that of all patterns, the Singleton is the simplest in terms of its class diagram; in fact the diagram holds just a single class! One and only one object The Little Singleton Dissecting the classic Singleton Pattern Confessions of a Singleton The Chocolate Factory Singleton Pattern defined Houston, we have a problem St je asitjeleshoctonut, lyg inha-s t a it F or on at.
cl ng e e f ob d le sp tidurjeup reabn inonteerface at ectas wte atea pr th anusnsob ssed chanwge he Eid intoal poin fnttioor iecr -dov ieor f s e nd cl n t as ac or cl en om no t ec ob rf ex e fr gl le D ch te y g ar or ep hi a in. tl f d wovclidaseses. a class tsSdinor sssuesbcladec llyenreden geprte canden ssnciniddre te indedpeep laat bcto coan stan inlath eirceac leictifon Method lets. alivyisulyeeng ry atec to. F aualtotemsprn it e. We can also do some wickedly smart things with these encapsulated method invocations, like save them away for logging or reuse them to implement undo in our code. or de rU p The Short Order Cook follows the instructions of the Order and produces the meal. se with Chee Burger Shake Malt makeBurger , makeShake The Remote Control Taking a look at the vendor classes Meanwhile, back at the Diner The e the m directs th k Order Order Cooe Short methods lik with urger.
Sound impossible? Not when we have Design Patterns. Remember the Decorator Pattern? We wrapped objects to give them new responsibilities. Why would we do that? So we can adapt a design expecting one interface to a class that implements a different interface. what could be next? Te a Boil some wat 1 2 Ste ep er C o f fe e 1 the water the tea bag in 3 Pou r tea in a 4 Add lemon 2 3 cup 4 Bo il some Brew th e Po ur co ff Add suga r wate r co ffee gr ee in a cu inds p and mi lk Caffeine Beverage generalize 1 2 Brew relies on 3 Pour beverage in a cup 4 Add condiments subclass for ss Tea subcla some steps 2 Steep the teabag in the 4 Add lemon xviii water Boil some water knows Caffeine Beveragesteps of and controls theperforms the recipe, and f, but itsel 3 steps 1 and fee relies on Tea orandCof4. to do steps 2 Whipping up some coffee and tea classes Abstracting Coffee and Tea Taking the design further Abstracting prepareRecipe What have we done?
Put them in an Array, a Stack, a List, a Map, take your pick. Each has its own advantages and tradeoffs. But when your client wants to iterate over your objects, are you going to show him your implementation? We certainly hope not! nu All Menus Pa eM e nc ake us Ho Di ner nu Me 1 Ca feMenu 2 3 Café Menu Pancake Menu Diner Menu Me nuItem Me nuItem 1 2 Me nuItem Men 3 uItem 4 k ey Array 1 k ey Me nuItem k ey Me nuItem Me nuItem 2 Me nuItem Me nuItem ArrayList Dessert Menu k ey 3 Me nuItem 4 1 Me nuItem 2 Me nuItem 3 Me nuItem 4 Men Men uItem Men uItem Objectville Diner and Pancake House merge Comparing Menu implementations Can we encapsulate the iteration? Iterator What does this get us? As you know, the Strategy Pattern went on to create a wildly successful business around interchangeable algorithms. State, however, took the perhaps more noble path of helping objects learn to control their behavior by changing their internal state. controller needs to the gumball machine for us! possib as e ainabl maint and le the design as flexib - Mighty Gumball Engineers dispenslle gumba ll Gumba Sold nk How do we implement state?
a change request! cla o of tw Proxy RealSubject request request InvocationHandler invoke xxi table of contents 12 Compound Patterns Patterns of Patterns Who would have ever guessed that Patterns could work together? Believe it or not, some of the most powerful OO designs use several patterns together. The beat is set at BPM and you would like to increase it to You click on the increase beat button. View Which results in the controller being invoked. View The controller asks the model to update its BPM by one. atMod Be on el setBPM off getBPM The view is updated to BPM. xxii BPM View is notified that theM on changed. It calls getBP the model state. In this the definition of a onceptions about misc mon com too all b Learn the tern.
get one. at the wrong time tern Pat ign using a Des embarrassment of b Avoid the e they belong. b See that me a erns write beco and wTo is revealed. Ho s Gang of Four eriou myst the of tify when the true iden patterns user b Be there e table books any coffe the — s with the neighbor b Keep up must own. a Zen master. Patterns mind like train your Design b Learn to patterns rs by improving your lope deve ence ds and influ b Win frien vocabulary. Richa Your Objectville guide Design Pattern defined Looking more closely at the Design Pattern definition May the force be with you Pattern catalogs How to create patterns So you wanna be a Design Patterns writer?
A lot has changed in the last 10 years. Since Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software first came out, developers have applied these patterns thousands of times. But these patterns are awesome in their own right, and if your situation calls for them, you should apply them with your head held high. Our goal in this appendix is to give you a high level idea of what these patterns are all about. The Client asks the Visitor to get information from the Composite structure New methods can be added to the Visitor without affecting the Composite. g tin Ra lth ea ries H t o l ge tCa tein ge tPro bs ge tCar ge All these composite classes have to do is add a getState method not worry about and call to able be to needs The Visitor s, and this is exposing themselves :.
getState across classemetho ds for where you can add new the client to use. te getSta Visitor to The Traverser knows how gh guide the Visitor throu the Composite structure. this is a new chapter 79 the starbuzz story Welcome to Starbuzz Coffee Starbuzz Coffee has made a name for itself as the fastest growing coffee shop around. When they first went into business they designed their classes like this stract class, Beverage is an abbe verages subclassed by all ff ee shop. The getDescription method returns the description. Beverage description The cost method is abstract; subclassses need to define their own implementation. DarkRoast HouseBlend cost cost Decaf cost Espresso cost Each subclass implements cost to return the cost of the beverage. Starbuzz charges a bit for each of these, so they really need to get them built into their order system. What happens when the price of milk goes up? What do they do when they add a new caramel topping? This is stupid; why do we need all these classes?
Subclasses will still override cost , but they will also invoke the super version so that they can calculate the total cost of the basic beverage plus the costs of the added condiments. e boolean These get and setndthiments. needs to compute Each cost methobedverage and then the cost of the ents by calling the add in the condim tation of cost. This is definitely the way to go. Sharpen your pencil What requirements or other factors might change that will impact this design? Price changes for condiments will force us to alter existing code.
Head First - Design Patterns (2nd Edition),Friday, November 8, 2013
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Following the Open-Closed Principle usually introduces new levels of abstraction, which adds complexity to our code. atMod Be on el setBPM off getBPM The view is updated to BPM. The uploader already confirmed that they had the permission to publish it. cl ng e e f ob d le sp tidurjeup reabn inonteerface at ectas wte atea pr th anusnsob ssed chanwge he Eid intoal poin fnttioor iecr -dov ieor f s e nd cl n t as ac or cl en om no t ec ob rf ex e fr gl le D ch te y g ar or ep hi a in. Copyright © VDOC. All Head First Series Ebooks Collection for free.
Head First 2D Geometry. This is Another Sample Title Another Sample Paragraph : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. cost ; } } beverage ute the cost of oullr to mp co to ed e ne we w No delegate the ca mpth we t, rs Fi. You can now order a coffee in tall, grande, and venti sizes for us normal folk: small, head first books pdf free download, medium, and large. When you need to peek at multiple layers into the decorator chain, you are starting to push the decorator beyond its true intent. Git stats 7 commits. Recommend Documents.
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